17304 Havenwood Road, Sparta, WI 54656 | Tap the right 3 lines for other pages
17304 Havenwood Road, Sparta, WI 54656 | Tap the right 3 lines for other pages
Casey Schutrop is an inspirational speaker, bible-teacher, mentor, and national award-winning author. Known for her wit and wisdom, with a background in theater and music ministry, she has shared her insightful teaching and creative outreach presentations to countless national groups and internationally to audiences of diverse cultures. Due to her heart for the next generation and evangelism, she is the founder of WOW Ministries International, a 501(c)(3)nonprofit organization. Casey’s passion is to bridge the generations and bring framework to families in shifting times. Casey lives in the suburbs of Minneapolis, Minn. with her husband Marty, who serves as executive director of WOW Ministries International. The couple has three children. Founder Casey Schutrop shares, “We are not wow; instead, we are in AWE of the Mighty God who ‘wows’ us.
WOW Ministries Intl. exists that all will know the heart of the Father towards us, that head-knowledge will become heart-knowing. This is how we take the longest journey we will ever take in our faith — the journey from the head to the heart,” Casey shares.
About WOW Ministries International: WOWMinistries.org
WOW Ministries International is a registered Nonprofit 501(c)(3) Christian Organization serving to redeem the time for families both here and abroad to “know, grow, and go” –beyond ourselves to live the Spirit-Led life.
CONTACT (For a simple meet & greet):
Casey (Schutrop)
WOW Ministries International
Email: casey@wowministriesintl.org
Social: Twitter: caseywowmin
FB: WOW Ministries International with Casey Schutrop
Insta: caseywowmin
Pinterest: WOW Ministries International with Casey Schutrop
Acres of Hope Ministry
19090 Index Avenue, Norwalk, WI 54648, US